Your Digital Twin
in Your Hands!

Take full control of your Digital Twin and unlock the True Value of your Personal Data.

Be the true master of your digital world!
In today’s world, control over your digital identity is the ultimate power.
Dwinity enables this by

Be the true master of your digital world!
In today’s world, control over your digital identity is the ultimate power.
Dwinity enables this by


  • Device & authentication independent access
  • Registration and access anonymously via blockchain wallet
  • Carry your data like your crypto assets, recovery of last resort: seed phrase


  • No rug pulls – No central entity can access or censor your data or influence your access
  • You have control over which data is revocably shared with whom and to what extent


  • Storage of your social capital
  • Consolidate your data heritage, also for your successors
  • 100% GDPR compliant


  • AI without data is useless, data without AI is worthless
  • Improve your life with your pocket AI assistant which is grounded on your most relevant data

Register for beta:

If you would like to try our product but are not whitelisted yet, please contact us and state your Avalanche C-Net Wallet.

Beta access for registered users

whitelisted wallets only